
Announcing Our Google Sheets Connector - Simplifying Data Monitoring

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by endless rows and columns in your spreadsheets, struggling to keep track of important changes or spot errors? Imagine a world where your Google Sheets not only organize data but also actively keep an eye on it for you, alerting your team the moment something important happens. That's exactly what Locale’s new Google Sheets Connector does – it transforms the way businesses, big or small, monitor their crucial data.

December 7, 2023

Graphic introducing announcement of Locale's Google Sheet connector

Since the first day of launching Locale, we’ve fielded countless requests for one feature - integration with Google Sheets. In at least 1 out of every 3 sales meetings, customers would ask, “This is great, but can you connect to my spreadsheet instead of a database?”

We heard you loud and clear. And today, we’re thrilled to unveil support for Google Sheets 🎉

Users can now set up real-time monitoring, cross-platform notifications and automated workflows all powered by their existing spreadsheets instead of having to setup a dedicated enterprise database.

This integration vastly expands Locale’s capabilities to any team that relies on spreadsheets for tracking and monitoring everyday business data.

Read on to learn more!

Making Data Monitoring Simple and Accessible

While we have large enterprises streamline their data monitoring, over time we realized a crucial gap - smaller and less technical teams were left behind. Solopreneurs, early stage startups, nonprofit volunteer groups — they lacked the technical resources to leverage our real-time alerting capabilities.

Yet their struggle is no less real. These growing teams manually sift through mountains of data everyday, that is scattered across various sheets and tabs. Their data holds invaluable insights, yet the constant need for vigilance is a luxury only a few can afford.

Our latest release aims to bridge this gap. We've streamlined Locale to be more accessible, removing complex setup barriers. Now, any team that's familiar with Google Sheets can effortlessly monitor their vital data. Receive automated alerts when important thresholds are crossed, and keep your finger on the pulse of your operations without the stress and complexity of managing databases.

Now let's explore how easy it is to connect your existing spreadsheets with Locale.

How does the Google Sheets connector work?

In your Google Workspace, essential business data across sheets — from tracking customer inquiries to monitoring inventory levels — lies static. While spreadsheets do an excellent job organizing this information, they fall short in proactively alerting you when critical data is added or updated.

This is where our Google Sheets connector steps in. Now, these sheets do not just organize data, but also actively monitor and alert you in real-time.

Let's explore some of the impactful ways this connector can enhance your teams’ responsiveness and data-driven decision-making.

For Small Business Owners

Whether you have an Etsy shop, run a drop shipping store, or are a Shopify seller - connecting your Sheets allows you to leverage Locale's alerts and automations with no databases to manage or SQL skills required.

  • Get pinged on WhatsApp when your Shopify store's abandoned cart rate spikes
  • Automate refund approval emails for Amazon order returns exceeding set limits
  • Message teams on Slack when marketing lead conversion rates hit goals

Screenshot showing checkout alert for small business owners

For Performance Marketing Teams

Agencies and in-house teams can leverage sheets tracking campaign or traffic metrics to prompt optimization.

  • Get emailed if cost per conversion rises above expected benchmarks
  • Message clients automatically if lead quality scores trend down over time
  • Create mobile alerts around site issues as Google Analytics sheets update

Screenshot showing alerts for performance marketing team

For Service and Customer Success Teams

Customer service and helpdesk squads can monitor sheets documenting support load or satisfaction.

  • Notify agents on Slack if Jira ticket backlogs or SLA breach risks increase
  • Create SMS alerts if Zendesk CSAT dips, allowing faster service recovery
  • Integrate spreadsheets on staff usage for capacity planning as volumes spike

Screenshot shoing alerts for service and customer success teams

For Telehealth & Healthcare Teams

Therapists, clinics, telehealth platforms and other healthcare providers can manage patient workflows better by connecting sheets for appointments, insurance and more with Locale, allowing instant coordination

  • Automate WhatsApp appointment reminders to patients using intake sheet data
  • Create Slack/MS Teams alerts if insurance authorization pend times cross SLA thresholds to accelerate processing
  • Notify clinic managers via email when staff utilization sheets indicate capacity shortages

The possibilities are vast once your Sheets can power notifications, coordinate across tools, and automatically trigger workflows to handle critical scenarios without your intervention.

We've only scratched the surface of how Google Sheets integration unlocks new possibilities using data you already have at your fingertips. Now let’s dive in to connecting your first Google Sheet.

Connecting your spreadsheets as a Data Source on Locale

Connecting your Google Sheets to Locale goes beyond basic alerting; it's about fully tapping into your operational potential. Once linked, you gain access to Locale's powerful suite of features, turning your ordinary spreadsheets into a central control tower of your operations.

With Locale, you can:

  • Manage Incidents: Monitor, track and resolve issues with ease & automatically escalate unresolved issues.
  • Collaborate with your Teams: Bring teams together to collaborate and respond to critical issues in real-time
  • Analyze Team Performance: Gain valuable insights from your recurring operational issues for lightning fast RCA (Root Cause Analysis).
  • Generate Automated Reports: Customize and receive regular automated reports.
Graphic showing different features and capabilities of Locale alerts

Ready to unlock Locale's monitoring superpowers for your essential business sheets? Signing up and connecting your sheet as a data source takes less than 5 minutes.

Check out the short demo below to see just how quick and easy it is to get started.

Activate Your Data's Potential

A couple of clicks is all it takes to transform your spreadsheets into a proactive operations hub with Locale. Stay on top of everything, from minor fluctuations to major shifts, before they become bigger issues.

Illustation depicting how quickly users can connect their data source to quickly setup alerts on Locale's platform

Curious to see how this works in real-time? Schedule a live demo here. Our team is ready to walk you through the features and answer your questions.

If you want to try out Locale, sign up now to connect your first sheet with a free account - no credit card required!