
How to Automate Sending Data or Trigger Notifications from Snowflake to Email

November 10, 2023

Automate sending alerts or data from Snowflake to Email


Article delves into three efficient methods for automating the transfer of data or triggering notifications from Snowflake to email:

Method 1: Manual Custom Script Setup:

  1. Install the Snowflake Connector
  2. Use run_snowflake_query function to executes a query in the Snowflake warehouse and returns the results.
  3. Use send_email_via_ses function to trigger an email using SMTP and AWS SES.
  4. Schedule the Python script using Cron to run at specified intervals.

Method 2: Using Internal Snowflake Functions:

  1. Write a transaction which runs the query, stores it in a snowflake scripting variable.
  2. Encapsulate the SQL logic into a stored procedure.
  3. Set up a Snowflake Task that calls the stored procedure at scheduled intervals.
  4. Ensure the Task is active to commence scheduled runs.

Method 3: Send Data to Email through Locale:

  1. Connect the Snowflake database, and write the SQL query to set up the alert condition.
  2. Set the alert frequency and recipients for email notifications.
  3. Locale will automatically run it and send emails based on the defined schedule.

While the first two methods require manual setup and are labor-intensive, provides a simple and automated solution for sending emails from Snowflake. With dynamic recipient selection, clear playbook setup, and escalation rules, streamlines the process of automating email notifications, making it the preferred choice for efficient workflow management.

For any business, observability plays a major role in its success and sending data from Snowflake to Email seems like an obvious thing. It allows you to use your data warehouse as a central system to power other functions/departments. There can be a variety of use cases that can be solved by automating sending data from Snowflake to email such as:

  • Real-time alerts for critical database events such as sudden spikes in traffic or potential security breaches
  • Automate sending daily/weekly sales reports to your sales team
  • Automated inventory level report to biz ops teams

...and many more. However, Setting up email notifications from Snowflake can be a daunting task. In this detailed guide, we’ll walk you through three straightforward methods to seamlessly transfer data or receive email alerts from Snowflake.

  • Manually through Custom Script
  • Using Internal Snowflake functions
  • Sending data to Email through Locale

Method #1: Manually through Custom Script

You can create a custom Python script that uses the Snowflake connector library in Python to run a query, store the results, and send it as an email using SMTP using a service like say AWS SES. Here is a step-by-step process to do it:

1. Install the Snowflake Connector

pip install --upgrade snowflake-connector-python

2. Run run_snowflake_query function

This function uses the snowflake connector available in Python to run a query in our snowflake warehouse and return the query results.

import snowflake.connector
def run_snowflake_query(query):
    # Snowflake connection details
    snowflake_account = 'your_account'
    snowflake_user = 'your_username'
    snowflake_password = 'your_password'
    snowflake_warehouse = 'your_warehouse'
    snowflake_database = 'your_database'
    snowflake_schema = 'your_schema'
    # Establish Snowflake connection
    conn = snowflake.connector.connect(

    # Run query and fetch results
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    results = cursor.fetchall()

    # Close Snowflake connection

    return results

3. Run send_email_via_ses function

We get the results from the run_snowflake_query function and use them to trigger an email using the send_email_via_ses function.

import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
def send_email_via_ses(subject, results_str):
    # AWS SES SMTP details
    smtp_username = 'your_smtp_username'
    smtp_password = 'your_smtp_password'
    smtp_host = ''
    smtp_port = 587
    from_email = ''
    to_email = ''
    # Prepare email
    msg = MIMEText(results_str)
    msg['Subject'] = subject
    msg['From'] = from_email
    msg['To'] = to_email
    # Send email
    with smtplib.SMTP(smtp_host, smtp_port) as server:
        server.login(smtp_username, smtp_password)
        server.sendmail(from_email, [to_email], msg.as_string())

4. Schedule the script with Cron

Once you have the script ready with the above two functions, let’s add a cron to run this script on a given cron schedule. Open the cron table to add a new cron job.

crontab -e

This will open the cron table in an editor. Add a new line to schedule your Python script. For example, to run it every 5 minutes, add:

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/env python3 /path/to/

Save and exit the editor to activate the new cron job. By following these steps, your Python script will now run every 5 minutes, just like a cron job

Method #2: Using Internal Snowflake functions

Snowflake offers Sending Email Notification functionality which can allow you to create a stored procedure to send an email to a fixed email address.

Writing the Query

Once you have the above set, you need to write a transaction which runs the query, stores it in a snowflake scripting variable and uses the stored procedure to send the results to the email.

-- Start a Snowflake script block
    query_result STRING;
    SELECT STRING_AGG(CAST(column_value AS STRING), ', ')
    FROM (
        SELECT * FROM test_data
    ) AS subquery
    INTO :query_result;
    -- Call SYSTEM$SEND_EMAIL to send the result to Slack
        'my_email_int', -- this being the integration name
        '', -- send to this email
        'Query Results',-- subject
        :query_result -- our query result which has the data from query execution
    -- Optionally, return the result for verification
    RETURN :query_result;

Automating the SQL query

Create a Stored Procedure

Firstly, encapsulate your SQL logic into a stored procedure. This is necessary because Snowflake Tasks can only invoke stored procedures. The stored procedure provides the logic that the task will execute.

  // Your SQL logic here


Define the Task

Once the stored procedure is in place, create a Snowflake Task that calls it. Here, you specify the virtual warehouse to run the task and how often it should run, using a cron-like schedule format.

sqlCopy code
CREATE TASK my_scheduled_task
  WAREHOUSE my_warehouse
  CALL my_procedure();

Activate the Task

Tasks are not active by default. After defining the task, you need to activate it to start the scheduled runs.

ALTER TASK my_scheduled_task RESUME;

By far, the above two methods are a labour-intensive way of sending emails from your Snowflake warehouse. You have to custom-create the code. There are multiple shortcomings to these such as, you have to set up multiple services yourself and setting rules over the data sent is hard. Also, if you are required to dynamically choose a person to send an email, the above methods would fall short and you have to create an n-number of tasks to send data to these people. You should adopt these methods, only if sending emails is the one-off thing for you.

If you want to set up an easy automated way that can run queries and send emails on a pre-set schedule, also allows you to dynamically send to people based on query results. You should check out the 3rd method.

Method #3: Send data to Email through Locale

If you’re looking for a better way to automate sending data from Snowflake to Email without all the unnecessary complex setups, use Locale. Setting up through the locale is an easy deal.

Login to Locale, Go to Org Setting and Connect Snowflake from the data source. Now you are ready to set up your rules and frequency of sending emails.

Go to Alerts → Create New Alerts. Choose your Snowflake Database → Click on Setup data to be monitored.

Database Connection setup on Locale platform

Write SQL Query to set the alert condition that will send an email when the query results match:

Set the alert condition that will send an email when the query results match

Now Set Alert Frequency, this will automatically run the query and send an email based on the frequency you set.

Scheduling alert runs in Locale by setting alert frequency

Final Step, you can set up whom the email should be sent. You can click on Add Notification/action from the Setup Notification/Action section. Now click on Email Subscribers and add all the email addresses to whom you want to send emails.

Configuring Email on Locale to define whom to send email
You can also dynamically send emails based on query results by selecting from { } icon

Save the alert and it will automatically run itself and send emails.


Now you have 3 methods to send data or get notified by email from your Snowflake warehouse. The first two methods can be a quick way to get it done if it is a one-off situation, but those can be extremely time-consuming if you need to do this more than a few times.

If you want to automate sending emails from your Snowflake warehouse, you should choose Locale(3rd method). It is very easy and quick to set up. You can dynamically choose people to send email based on the query result, also provide you the option to choose a schedule of sending email based on your requirement.

It also allows you to set up and provide a clear playbook for users to follow so that issues can be resolved efficiently and set up an escalation rule to ensure issues are being resolved. Moreover, if you want to expand sending reports/data to other destinations like Slack, Whatsapp, MS Teams etc, you get to do that very easily. It allows you to spend less time building or working on integrations and more time doing other great things.

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