Product for Control Tower Operations? Time to Reconsider!

This is your guide to the n8n vs Locale debate. Discover why Locale’s alerts are better for your data-driven Ops teams.

August 24, 2023

Illustration introducing comparison between Locale and

Looking for an n8n alternative with real-time alerting and monitoring capabilities, with the potential to be a one-stop control tower for business teams? Thinking about moving over to Locale? You're at the right place!

What's Locale? empowers your operations teams by giving them the power to create their own alerts, track anomalies and build a system of accountability.

All the steps in setting up alerts and workflows, and performing quick RCA and incident management are just a few clicks away with Locale!

Feature-wise comparison

A graphic showing Feature-wise comparison between locale and

How is Locale different from N8n?

Here are a few key characteristic differences where Locale fares better compared to N8n:

1. Collaborative tracking of incident resolutions

Locale is a one-stop solution for alerting stakeholders on various incidents, gathering updates, tracking all activities, and eventually resolving them within the dedicated SLAs. N8n on the other hand would need the help of a separate ticketing tool to match what Locale does. This involves the complexity of setting up two different products and having to deal with two subscriptions. Locale does the work of two, for the price of one!

A screenshot of the Locale platform showing incident alert logs

2️. Notifications through your favorite communication app!

A critical feature requirement that we have noticed across business and operations teams is the need for real-time alerting through WhatsApp. Locale not only gives you that option but also allows you to customize the message that goes out to the different stakeholders, with easy-to-use CTA buttons, and in the language of their choice.

Easier notifications lead to higher actionability across stakeholders, and in turn, promote a highly efficient operational setup.

Screenshot showing whatsapp collaboration capabilities for incidents captured on locale

3️. Automatic Resolution of Incidents

Locale offers the ability to automatically resolve incidents if they aren’t present in the database. The queries are systematically run on the database in a manner that if the incidents are resolved on the ground, they are automatically resolved on Locale, to make it easier for the stakeholders to focus on the open incidents.

This also reduces the emphasis on the stakeholder to manually resolve incidents, which removes human error in the process.

Screenshot showing auto resolution setting toggle on locale's alert configuration screen

4️. Team Performance Insights

A huge benefit of using Locale is being able to find the root causes of the recurring issues that plague your system, through well-defined insights. Insights are categorized at an alert level, an individual team member level, and the overall team level. They help in addressing key factors that make your business more efficient and effective.

Locale also gives the ability to customize insights and let key stakeholders subscribe to them at the frequency of their choice.

Snapshot of Locale's dashboard

5️. Playbooks and SOPs

Want to not only alert stakeholders but also ensure that they have a clear understanding of what steps need to be taken to resolve issues? Playbooks are your way out! Set up standard operating procedures for your teams by clearly defining expectations, listing down the tasks that need to be completed, and setting up a repeatable process for teams to resolve incidents faster!

Screenshot of the playbook section of Locale's alert creation screen

Which one is the best for you?

To summarize, n8n is a low-code, source-available, self-hostable alternative to Zapier. It’s really good for teams to build generic workflow automation that helps with their productivity.

Locale, on the other hand,  is a Control tower for Ops observability & actionability which empowers operations and business teams to leverage their data and set up a complete one-stop solution for monitoring your data, proactively identifying incidents, and alerting the right stakeholders to follow up with actions oriented towards incident resolution.

With real-time Incident Reporting and Dynamic Playbooks that are tailored to your industry, Locale is here to simplify your operations like never before.