
Using Tableau Alerts for Your Operations? You May Want to Reconsider!

Your guide to the Tableau Alerts vs Locale debate. Discover why Locale’s alerts are better for your data-driven Ops teams.

November 15, 2022

Graphic introducing a comparison locale with tableau

A step-by-step guide on explaining differences between alerts coming from Tableau v/s Locale control tower

Why Alerts?

Why do we need alerts you ask? Alerting is the proactive element of any monitoring system. The day in the life of any operations team mostly runs around solving mission critical tasks, which unfortunately have no head in terms of prioritization since they look at Tableau for KPIs, but Tableau is inherently reactive in nature.

Reports and dashboards from Tableau are ideal for retrospective planning and visibility around what has already happened.

Alerts are the way to go if your teams want to become proactive and want real-time actionability.

What's Locale? empowers your operations teams by giving them power to create their own alerts, track anomalies and building a system of accountability.

All the steps in setting up alerts and workflows, performing quick RCA and incident management are just a few clicks away with Locale.

Operations teams can:

  • Set up alerts instantly with an inbuilt collaborative SQL editor interface. They will be run on a schedule and actions will be triggered accordingly
  • Get to the root of any issue 100x faster. There is no need to refresh dashboards or export data between applications manually.
  • Turn any incident alert into trackable issues with one click.

How is Locale different from Tableau alerts?

Well Locale alerts are far more focused for your Operations teams and not generic like the Tableau alerts. Here’s the breakdown of how Locale’s alerts are superior:

1️. No Spam

Since Tableau alerts are generic and not built for specific industry, their alerts are spammy in nature, i.e. send an alert whenever the threshold breaches, whereas with Locale, we understand this nuance and the system only sends notifications when needed.

A screenshot of the Locale platform showing incident alert logs

2️. Customizations

Unlike alerts from Tableau, which are metric threshold based, Locale alerts give you the flexibility to create your own alerts using SQL interface, run them at custom frequencies, and assign it to specific people in the team.

Illustration showing Locale's SQL editor

3️. Actionability

Alerting only makes sense if there is actionability! Else it is all noise. Tableau misses this completely. With Locale, each alert is tracked from creation to resolution, along with escalation that ensures alerts get acted on. You can also automate alert workflow by connecting downstream tools like Slack, Zendesk, Whatsapp, etc. for notifications. One can also escalate the incident if required, so their peers can be assigned the incident.

Graphic depicting notification setup to slack channels on Locale

4️. Collaboration

Locale takes alerts one step further by creating a thread of collaboration between different teams on one alert. You can tag team members in the comments section of each incident and the version history helps track what activity was done for each alert and ensures visibility across teams.

Screenshot showing collaboration capabilities on incidents on locale

5️. Team Performance

Locale has a built-in command center which keeps a track of the Operations team performance and Operational SLAs by helping summarize KPIs like Total alerts created within a team, Avg. resolution time, Unresolved issues, etc.

Screenshot showing custom incident reports on locale's incident dashboard

Give Locale a try

We live in a world where ops teams are either constantly firefighting or shoulder-tapping data and engineering teams for updated reports and dashboards. Locale’s control tower equips you and your teams with real-time observability.

With real-time Incident Reporting and Dynamic Playbooks that are tailored to your industry, Locale is here to simplify your operations like never before.