Alerts on Bank wise Transaction Failures
Get alerted when an issuing bank or payment channel is underperforming
Value Delivery
Step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Choose an Alert type
Choose the SQL List based alert to trigger an alert and share Bank (or) payment channel details to required personnel.
Step 2: Write an SQL query to fetch a value
Sample Query - to fetch a list of issuing banks facing high failure rates.
Step 3: Configure Alert Condition
- Alert Frequency: 10 mins
- Unique value column: bank_name
Step 4: Configure Team and Assignees
- Team is responsible for this alert (optional) - Banking Ops Team
- Person assigned to the incidents (optional) - Ops Lead
Step 5: Configure Alert and Incident Details
- Alert name: High Transaction Failures - Banking
- Configure Incident Tile: #{{bank_name}} bank is facing high failure rates.
- Default Incident Priority: High
Step 6: Setup Notifications
- Channel: email
- id: #{{}}
- Escalation:
- Duration: 2 Hr
- Member: Operations Head - Banking
- Channel: email - #{{banking_ops_head _ email}}