Alert your Operations team when orders are getting delayed and help them follow up on these orders.
Value Delivery
Step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Choose an Alert Type
Choose the SQL List based alert to trigger an alert when orders are getting delayed across hubs (or) stages of supply chain.
Step 2: Write an SQL query to fetch a value
Sample Query - to fetch all the delayed orders in your system.
SELECT current_hub, COUNT(DISTINCT order_id) AS delayed_orders
FROM orders
WHERE ontime_status = “Delayed”
GROUP BY current_hub
Step 3: Configure Alert Condition
- Alert Frequency: 1 Hr
- Unique value column: current_hub
This query will run every Hour and fetches any new delayed orders across the hubs.
Step 4: Configure Team and Assignees
- Team is responsible for this alert (optional) - Central Operations Team
- Person assigned to the incidents (optional) - Operations Lead
Step 5: Configure Alert and Incident Details
- Alert name: SLA Breaches & Delayed Orders
- Configure Incident Tile: #{{delayed_orders}} orders are delayed at #{{current_hub}} hub.
- Default Incident Priority: Medium
Step 6: Setup Notifications
- Channel: email
- id:
- Escalation: This issue will be escalated to the Operations Head if it is not resolved within 4 hrs of Incident creation.
- Duration: 4 Hr
- Member: Operations Head
- Email: