
How to Set Up a Control Tower for Your Hyperlocal Delivery Company

Locale has a simple mission: To empower your Ops and business teams to leverage their data and set up a simple monitoring and alerting system of record. Read on to find out how we help hyperlocal delivery companies.

July 14, 2022

Graphic introducing how to set up a control tower for hyperlocal delivery company


Locale is a modern “control tower” for Ops Observability & Actionability. We help teams in leveraging their data to establish a simple monitoring and alerting system of record.

Ops and business teams can devise strategies based on various zones, drivers, destinations, delivery laps/stages, and other factors by:

  1. Proactively alerting your team members about issues that are likely to happen through alerts, so they can avoid them and increase their efficiency.
  2. Building a system of accountability. Once the right person is assigned to resolve a problem. We'll track how long it takes for a problem to be resolved, as well as the number of tasks that were completed in the time it took for someone to resolve it. This will ultimately allow you to measure the impact your decisions have on your business.
  3. Ensure No Issue Goes Unnoticed Ever - Make sure every issue gets acted upon via automation and notifications on Email, Slack Webhooks, Whatsapp and more!

Table showing actions enabled by Locale

Top use cases

Mitigating delays for a great customer experience  

Problem: To identify the causes and trends of delays in various areas and take the necessary actions to avoid them.

Actions enabled

Table showing alerts, RCA and actions enabled by Locale related to customer delays

Impact and Outcome

Reduced overall delays occurred in particular areas and thereby resulting in increased revenue and customer satisfaction.

Understanding stockouts and user attrition

Problem: Identifying patterns of high stockouts and taking necessary actions

Actions enabled:

Table showing alerts, RCA and actions enabled by Locale related to inventory stockouts

Impact and Outcome

Reduced stockouts across service areas and hence, the churn rate of customers in different service areas.

Improving Driver Utilisation and Performance

Problem: Encourage drivers to perform better and reduce idling.

Actions enabled:

Table showing alerts, RCA and actions enabled by Locale related to driver utilisation and performance

Impact and outcome

These actions will result in the overall increase in Orders Delivered per Driver and a reduction in Driver Idle Time.

Issues and Incident Management

Once the issues are identified, they can be assigned to different members of the organization and the resolution time can be tracked over time. This will enable repeatability in your processes and consistency in your results by building an accountability system that tells you what was done the last time!

The right person is assigned the task and you track how long it took to resolve the problem, the number of tasks resolved, the impact of the decision and so on. You can also use this as a way to measure performance within your team.

Screenshot of Locale's Incident Dashboard

Important Metrics

Here's a list of important metric and KPIs that hyperlocal delivery businesses can use to monitor their business. If there is any anomaly or fluctuation in these metrics, you can get easily notified with Locale.

Table outlining importatnt metrics for Delivery Companies


  • We don't need any personally identifiable information to work with Locale.
  • If you have any additional data points that you want to include in addition to those on the list above, please contact our sales team here.

Locale.ai is the new way to take the hassle out of hyperlocal delivery operations. By giving users the power to create their own alerts, track anomalies and building a system of accountability, Locale has a simple mission: to be the modern control tower for your business!

Illustation depicting how users can connect their data source to quickly setup alerts on Locale's platform in 15 minutes

If you are eager to know more, Book a call with one of our specialists to have all your questions answered today!