Best Practices

Top 20 Triggers for Sales Productivity and Efficiency

November 14, 2023

Using proactive alerts to close deals faster

Sales triggers are automated rules that monitor your data for specific events or changes, like a new lead signup or a spike in website traffic. When triggered, they send instant sales alerts - notifications that prompt your sales team to take timely action.

For example, a sales trigger could monitor for new leads from a high-value industry like healthcare. Whenever a new lead with a healthcare email domain registers, the trigger fires off an alert to the sales team so they can prioritize outreach.

Sales alerts deliver these real-time notifications via email, Slack, SMS, or other channels. This transforms your sales process from reactive to proactive. Instead of relying on manual dashboard checks, sales triggers push alerts to the right sales reps automatically when defined conditions are met.

Studies show sales teams using automated triggers close deals up to 30% faster. Let's explore how to create sales triggers that give your team an edge.

In this article, you will:

  • Learn what sales triggers are and how they guide your sales journey.
  • Discover why using sales triggers gives you an edge
  • Understand how sales triggers can change your sales strategies for the better.
  • Get a step-by-step guide on setting up sales triggers with SQL.
  • Explore real examples to see how sales triggers work in action.
  • Find out how to effortlessly set up SQL alerts, bypassing the need for cron job management or data team dependencies.

Ready to make your sales process smarter and close deals faster? Let’s dive in!

What are Sales Alerts?

Timing is key to staying ahead in sales and that’s where sales alerts can give your teams an unfair advantage over good old dashboards.

Sales alerts provide instant notifications, helping your team to act swiftly and never miss a beat. Whether it’s a lead showing interest or a customer at risk, these alerts make sure you have the information you need right when you need it.

But how do these alerts know when to notify you? Whom to notify? What are your customers looking out for?

This is where sales triggers come into the picture.

Understanding Sales Triggers

Sales triggers are the unsung heroes in your sales process, working tirelessly behind the scenes. They keep a vigilant eye on specific events or changes in customer behavior, serving as your sales radar. When they catch wind of something noteworthy, they trigger an alert, ensuring your team is always in the know and ready to act.

Why Your Teams Needs Sales Triggers

While dashboards are a popular tool for visualizing data and tracking performance, they have a fundamental limitation: they are passive. Dashboards rely on users to actively check them, meaning crucial insights and opportunities can be missed if not seen in time. This is where sales triggers shine.

Unlike dashboards, sales triggers are proactive, sending instant alerts when specific conditions are met, ensuring that your team never misses a beat. They transform your sales process from a reactive stance to an active one, keeping you ahead of the game and on top of every opportunity.

Streamlining Sales Triggers for Maximum Impact

Sales triggers are incredibly powerful, but remember, they're just the starting point. Once an alert is triggered, there's a whole journey ahead to turn that opportunity into a closed deal.

To ensure that your sales triggers are not just creating noise but actually driving results, you need a streamlined process that covers identification, notification, follow-up, and accountability.

Here’s how you can set it up:

Step 1: Pinpoint Crucial Sales Triggers

Start by identifying the sales triggers that are most relevant to your business. Use your existing CRM tools like Salesforce or HubSpot to analyze customer interactions and sales data. Look for patterns and events that consistently lead to successful conversions or indicate potential issues.

Step 2: Set Up Sales Alerts with SQL Queries

For example, to track high-value deals:

WHERE deal_value > 10000
AND deal_status = 'Proposal Sent'

This query focuses on deals exceeding $10,000 in the 'Proposal Sent' stage.

Use tools like Metabase, Redash, SQL Server Agent (If you’re using Microsoft SQL Server) to execute the query at regular intervals and notify your sales team via channels like Slack or email. This strategy ensures your team swiftly addresses valuable opportunities, boosting both responsiveness and efficiency.

Step 3: Establish a Clear Follow-Up Plan

With notifications in place, create a clear and actionable follow-up plan for each trigger. Use project management tools like Asana or Trello to outline the specific steps that need to be taken once a trigger is activated. Ensure that these steps are straightforward and leave no room for ambiguity.

Step 4: Embed Accountability in Your Sales Culture

Finally, foster a culture of accountability within your sales team. Make it clear that responding to sales triggers is a priority and should be treated as such. Use your CRM’s task assignment features to assign responsibility for each trigger event to specific individuals or roles, ensuring that everyone knows what is expected of them.

By following these steps, you transform sales triggers from a passive tool into an active strategy, driving your sales team to be more proactive, responsive, and ultimately, more successful in closing deals.

20 Powerful Sales Triggers that Drive Results

1. New Lead Registration

This identifies new leads as soon as they sign up.

Use Case: Engage new leads faster for higher conversion

Data Source: Marketing automation platform

Action: Sales team prioritizes contacting new leads within 24 hrs of registration

SQL Query:

SELECT id, name, email
FROM leads
WHERE registration_date = CURRENT_DATE

Graphic showing a new lead alert notification
New Lead Alert

2. High Value Deal Progression

This tracks deals over $10K when they reach the proposal sent stage.

Use Case: Prioritize high value deals to boost revenue

Data Source: CRM like Salesforce

Action: Sales manager reviews deals over $10K when proposal is sent

SQL Query:

SELECT id, amount, status
FROM deals
WHERE amount > 10000
  AND status = 'Proposal Sent'

Graphic showing a deal progression alert
Deal Progression Alert

3. Increased Website Traffic

This detects when website sessions exceed the daily average by 100%.

Use Case: Engage visitors during traffic surges

Data Source: Google Analytics

Action: Sales team reaches out to high-traffic website visitors with offers

SQL Query:

SELECT date, sessions
FROM website_analytics
WHERE sessions > avg_sessions * 2

Graphic showing a increased web traffic alert
Webtraffic alert

4. Email Engagement Spike

This identifies high open and click rates exceeding 30% and 15%.

Use Case: Focus on highly engaged subscriber segments

Data Source: Email marketing platform

Action: Sales team prioritizes outreach to engaged email segment

SQL Query:

SELECT campaign_id, open_rate, click_rate
FROM email_metrics
WHERE open_rate > 0.3
  AND click_rate > 0.15

Graphic showing an alert on outbound engagement spike
Outbound engagement alert

5. Lead Progression to Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)

This tracks when a lead advances from marketing qualified lead (MQL) to SQL.

Use Case: Prioritize higher intent leads

Data Source: CRM

Action: Transfer hot leads to sales team for prompt outreach

SQL Query:

Graphic showing an alert notification on lead progression
Qualification alerts

6. Competitor Mentions

This detects competitor mentions on social media or discussion platforms.

Use Case: Respond to prospects considering competitors

Data Source: Social listening tools

Action: Sales team engages prospects mentioning competitors

SQL Query:

SELECT customer_id, score
FROM nps_responses
WHERE score < 6

Graphic showing an alert notification on competitor mention
Competitor mention alert

7. Low Net Promoter Score (NPS)

This identifies customers giving low NPS scores indicating churn risk.

Use Case: Proactively retain at-risk customers

Data Source: NPS survey results

Action: Account manager contacts customers with low NPS

SQL Query:

SELECT customer_id, score
FROM nps_responses
WHERE score < 6

Graphic showing an alert notification on NPS alert submission by a user
NPS Alerts

8. Account Executive Changes

This detects changes in account executive assignments.

Use Case: Prevent miscommunication during transitions

Data Source: CRM system

Action: Notify customer and new AE of assignment changes

SQL Query:

SELECT account_id, new_ae, old_ae
FROM accounts
WHERE account_exec_changed = true

Graphic showing an alert notification on account status change
Account change alerts

9. Stalled Opportunities

This flags opportunities without recent activity.

Use Case: Reactivate stalled deals

Data Source: CRM

Action: Sales team follows up on inactive opportunities

SQL Query:

SELECT id, last_activity
FROM opportunities
WHERE last_activity < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 30 DAYS)

Graphic showing an alert notification on churn risk
Stalled Opportunity Alert

10. Upsell Opportunities

This identifies upsell potential as contracts near renewal.

Use Case: Increase customer lifetime value

Data Source: CRM

Action: AE contacts customers to discuss renewals and upsells

SQL Query:

SELECT customer_id, renewal_date
FROM contracts

Graphic showing an alert notification on upsell opportunity
Upsell opportunities alert

11. High Churn Risk

This detects customers with high churn risk based on engagement data.

Use Case: Retain at-risk customers

Data Source: Customer engagement platform

Action: Proactively contact high churn risk customers

SQL Query:

SELECT user_id, churn_risk_score
FROM customer_data
WHERE churn_risk_score > 75

Graphic showing an alert notification warning low product adoption
Churn risk alerts

12. Low Feature Adoption

This identifies customers with low adoption of key features.

Use Case: Improve onboarding and training

Data Source: Product analytics platform

Action: Follow up to encourage feature adoption

SQL Query:

SELECT user_id, feature, usage_count
FROM feature_usage
WHERE usage_count < 20

Graphic showing an alert notification warning longer sales cycles
Feature Adoption Alerts

13. Long Sales Cycle Times

This detects sales cycles exceeding the target time frame.

Use Case: Identify and address causes of delays

Data Source: CRM

Action: Review long sales cycles

SQL Query:

SELECT opportunity_id, sales_cycle_days
FROM opportunities
WHERE sales_cycle_days > 90

Graphic showing an alert notification on followup delay
Sales Cycle Alert

14. Lead Follow-Up Delays

This identifies leads without timely sales rep follow-up.

Use Case: Reduce lead response times

Data Source: CRM

Action: Follow up on delayed lead responses

SQL Query:

SELECT lead_id, last_contacted_date
FROM leads
WHERE last_contacted_date > registration_date + 2

Graphic showing an alert notification on change in sales team activity
Followup delay alerts

15. Sales Team Activity Change

This tracks significant shifts in sales team outreach activity.

Use Case: Address changes in activity levels

Data Source: CRM

Action: Review metrics for rep call volume, emails, etc.

SQL Query:

SELECT user_id, calls_made
FROM sales_activity
WHERE calls_made < avg_calls_made - 10

Graphic showing an alert notification on drop in product engagement
Sales activity alerts

16. Product Usage Drop

This detects when customers' product usage decreases significantly.

Use Case: Provide support to prevent churn

Data Source: Product analytics tools

Action: Follow up with customers with usage drops

SQL Query:

SELECT user_id, usage_count
FROM product_usage
WHERE usage_count < avg_usage_count * 0.7

Graphic showing an alert notification on account expiry warning
Usage drop alerts

17. Contract Expiry

This identifies contracts nearing expiration.

Use Case: Plan renewals and prevent churn

Data Source: CRM

Action: Contact customers to renew expiring contracts

SQL Query:

SELECT customer_id, contract_end_date
FROM contracts

Graphic showing an alert notification on a feature request by an user
Contract expiry alerts

18. Feature Request Uptick

This detects surges in customer feature requests.

Use Case: Prioritize feature development

Data Source: Feature request system

Action: Review and address feature requests

SQL Query:

SELECT request_id, request_title
FROM feature_requests
WHERE requested_date BETWEEN '2023-01-01' AND '2023-02-01'

Graphic showing an alert notification on a competitor launch
Feature request alerts

19. Competitor Feature Release

This tracks competitors releasing new products or features.

Use Case: Respond with competitive features

Data Source: Competitive intelligence Tools

Action: Product team reviews and addresses competitor features

SQL Query:

SELECT request_id, request_title
FROM feature_requests
WHERE requested_date BETWEEN '2023-01-01' AND '2023-02-01'

Graphic showing an alert notification on customer inactivity
Competitor mention alerts

20. Customer Inactivity

This identifies inactive customers based on logins.

Use Case: Re-engage dormant customers

Data Source: Product usage data

Action: Marketing follows up with inactive customers

SQL Query:

SELECT request_id, request_title
FROM feature_requests
WHERE requested_date BETWEEN '2023-01-01' AND '2023-02-01'

Illustation depicting how quickly users can connect their data source to quickly setup alerts on Locale's platform
Account inactivity alerts

Bonus: Additionial Sales Triggers for PLG Companies

If you are using a product-led growth model, sales may look a little different for your company.

Even though the fundamentals of sales triggers remain the same, the specific triggers you focus on will differ from traditional sales.

For PLG, growth is driven by product usage, virality, and expansion. As a PLG company, you’ll want to identify sales triggers aligned to these core drivers.

Some examples of PLG-focused sales triggers:

1. Monitoring free to paid conversions to optimize your product-led funnel.

Example: Identify obstacles in product-led funnel

Data Source: Billing system, CRM

Action: Optimize conversion paths based on insights

2. Tracking viral sharing or referral spikes to double down on what’s working.

Example: Double down on most effective acquisition channels

Data Source: Analytics platform

Action: Increase investment in top referral sources

3. Setting up alerts for usage drops to proactively prevent churn.

Example: Reduce churn by re-engaging at-risk users

Data Source: Product analytics tools

Action: Contact users with dropping usage to provide support

4. Keeping an eye on feature adoption tied to higher retention behaviors.

Example: Notify on Low Adoption of Key Features

Data Source: Product usage data

Action: Follow-up with users who haven't adopted key features


Sales teams that leverage triggers react swiftly to risks and opportunities, while teams relying on dashboards are slower to act. But manually setting up trigger-based workflows requires engineering resources many teams lack.

How Locale can help helps anyone set up automated alerts and response workflows in minutes without SQL, engineering support, or maintenance overhead.

With, you gain a centralized platform that:

  • Enables easy creation of alerts tailored to your data schema
  • Triggers workflows to notify stakeholders and assign tasks
  • Tracks trigger outcomes over time to optimize responses
  • Automates repetitive follow-up tasks like emails and reminders

Locale puts the power of sales triggers into the hands of teams, not locked away with engineering and data teams. Critical alerts ranging from lead conversion to competitive intelligence can guide actions automatically, replacing reactive habits with proactive workflows.

For instance, Locale makes it easy to monitor triggers like low adoption of key features. When usage data indicates customers haven't onboarded critical features, Locale immediately notifies the customer success team to schedule training sessions.

Stop waiting for dashboard updates. Start responding to real-time sales signals with

Learn how empowers teams to turn alerts into workflows and close more deals.