Case Studies /

Driver Logistics

Driver Logistics Reduced Customer Escalation to Zero with

“After Implementing Locale, we have saved tech bandwidth along with resources from other teams”

Aqil Ashique

CEO, Driver Logistics

Reduced Delayed Delivery Instances

Driver Logistics is now able to get notified and start working on issues as and when they occur as opposed to earlier being notified by customers about delays.

Improved Accountability & Visibility

The team at driver logistics made significant operational efficiency gains as the team knew who was working on which issue.

Freed Engineering Bandwidth

Locale automated the alerting process for Driver Logistics without the need for manual intervention.

Table of Contents
Use Cases


Lack of Visibility

Driver Logistics has multiple hubs and there are different people who finish different tasks. As they were expanding into different cities and product lines, it was getting increasingly complex to track who was working on which shipment. This leads to multiple members of the team working on the same task.

Usage of Tech Bandwidth

The engineering team at Driver Logistics used to perform database queries and manual data verification before sending out email notifications to customers regarding any order delays. It often resulted in delayed notifications to customers, leading to dissatisfaction and a lack of real-time order status updates.

Delayed Delivery

Driver Logistics faced growth-related challenges in their logistics business, struggling to track real-time order status changes. This led to a reactive approach when addressing customer concerns about delayed shipments, impacting operational efficiency.

Existing Solutions

Manually Trigger Reports

The team at Driver Logistics would manually compile daily data updates and send multiple emails to customers regarding delayed shipments. This process was repeated numerous times each month, given that they conducted over 18,000 trips.

Quote from Aqil Ashique, CEO, on the inefficiency of manual customer updates and reactive BI tools.

Data-Overloaded Dashboards

Given the scale, the team was operating at and was looking to expand its operations from 6 cities to multiple cities, the data and complications on their dashboards were bound to increase with scale. Finding the exact information by just a quick glance was proving to be a challenge.

Build a Customer Support Team

Due to a high volume of customer escalations, the team decided to establish a dedicated customer support team to handle these issues as they arose. This approach was aimed to provide resolution of customer issues but was proving to be really costly.

Use Cases

SLA Breaches for Deliveries

Driver Logistics implemented AI-assisted workflows to proactively detect shipments exceeding defined SLAs. Upon notification, the team could approve the recommended resolution procedures or, when necessary, communicate with customers to manage expectations regarding potential delays.

Escalation Management

AI-assisted workflows were configured to notify a designated individual initially, with manager involvement only if the issue persisted beyond the predefined time limit. This streamlined the escalation process, ensuring timely and effective responses while minimising confusion.


Proactive Updates to Customers

Driver Logistics addressed challenges swiftly, resulting in the reduction of escalations. For those rare cases that required additional time, the team proactively communicated with customers, shifting the dynamics from reactive customer inquiries to proactive issue resolution.

Increased CSAT Scores

The shift in processes and real-time updates significantly transformed the customer experience landscape. Escalations steadily dwindled, while customer satisfaction scores soared, ultimately driving increased repeat business from existing clients.

Locale's incident screen to help users track and manage for efficient issue resolution

Freed Up Team Bandwidth

The revamp in the process resulted in significant resource optimisation across various teams. The engineering team's bandwidth was freed as manual work became unnecessary, and the customer support team members were transitioned to other teams due to the near-zero escalations.

Docking Thoughts

Driver Logistics's partnership with has demonstrated the importance of having efficient business process automations in place for businesses looking to scale and optimise their operations. By implementing, Driver Logistics improved its core metrics, resulting in higher efficiency and better customer experience.

In conclusion, Driver Logistics's collaboration with is a testament to the importance of adopting the right tools and software to optimise business operations. By leveraging this power, Driver Logistics has been able to focus on its core business, while takes care of the rest.

Setup Alerts & Automations to Run Operations Like a Pro

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