Case Studies /

Mosaic Wellness

Mosaic Wellness Improved Doctors Completing Consultations by 70% Using

"Locale helps us with accountability, resulting in a reduction of incidents when doctors don’t join calls and a higher appointment completion rate."

Himanshu Khurana

Product Manager, Mosaic Wellness

Minimised Technical Issue

With locale, they got alerted whenever there were any technical issues, helping them to proactively fix and have lesser misses due to technical problem.

Increased Consultations Completion Rate

The overall consultation completion rate increased and they were able to serve 25% more customers.

Increased Accountability

The overall accountability and ownership increased in the team as there was more visibility on who was working on which issue.

Table of Contents
Use Cases


Unlocking the Next Stage of Growth

Mosaic Wellness embarked on a transition from a traditional supply-based operational model to a more agile and demand-driven approach, to catalyse the next phase of their growth journey. This strategic shift required the capability to rapidly scale their operations in response to the dynamic demands of their customer base.

Incomplete Consultations

A major issue that emerged was that the company was experiencing a high volume of incomplete consultations. In order to address this problem, the company implemented a series of measures to improve the completion rate of consultations.

Problem With Existing Solutions

Cron Jobs

They had a lot of tech dependencies and the schedules keep failing. A small change can prevent the job from executing as expected. Issues with the script itself, such as syntax errors or unexpected behaviour, would cause cron jobs to fail.

Testimonial from Himanshu Khurrana, Product Manager, on the limitations of Metabase alerts and the benefits of Locale

Metabase Alerts

These alerts would run at a specified time during the day but not every time an issue arose, they would miss issues as and when they occurred. With the alerts, there was no way to maintain accountability. This made it difficult for the operations team to track and manage their operations.

Use Cases

Reduced Technical Issues

Mosaic Wellness implemented a monitors with Locale to track consultations that commenced but were left incomplete. This had a clear impact on business as these were customers with high intent that the company was unable to serve.

Increasing Accountability

Mosaic transitioned to a demand-based appointment system with Locale. This helped to automate follow ups with the doctor when they were running late or provided customers with an option to select another doctor in case they doctor wouldn’t be able to join. This proactive approach increased ownership and accountability, contributing to an impressive 70% boost in appointment completion.

Increased Consultations Completion Rate

After the process change facilitated by implementing Locale, Mosaic Wellness not only witnessed a significant surge in completed consultations but also observed an improvement in CSAT and NPS. Through minor process adjustments and proactive issue resolution, they were able to serve a remarkable 25% more customers.


Himanshu Khurrana, Product Manager, on the ease of setting up Locale for database alerts automates business processes and SOPs via AI. Think of it as an AI agent that maps your internal/external processes into workflows executed by AI. Humans only step in to input key information and provide approvals. With, time spent on manual and cumbersome tasks is reduced by almost 90%. Locale solves the challenges that Mosaic Wellness was facing by providing the following benefits:

AI-assisted workflows

Instead of discovering it hours or days later. Locale constantly monitors data and flags the most important issue on the preferred channel to Mosaic Wellness. After flagging, Locale automates the steps where humans step in only to add important data or approve the actions.

Real-time Updates

Locale provides real-time updates on all of the metrics that are important to Mosaic Wellness. This allows the operations team to track and manage their operations in real-time.

Locale's incident screen to help users track and manage for efficient issue resolution

Improved Ownership

Locale enhances ownership and accountability by automatically notifying multiple users when an issue arises. This ensures that everyone is aware of the issue and that it is resolved promptly.

Auto Resolve

Locale's auto-resolve feature has helped Mosaic Wellness quickly and efficiently address issues. This feature automatically resolves issues that are no longer relevant, freeing up time for the operations team to focus on more important pending tasks.

Docking Thoughts

  • Locale is a business process automation tool that can help businesses track and manage their operations.
  • Locale helps businesses to improve their operations by providing visibility and increasing ownership and accountability.
  • Locale has helped Mosaic Wellness to reduce missed appointments and improve the overall efficiency of its operations.

Setup Alerts & Automations to Run Operations Like a Pro

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